Why 80% of What You Spend Here

Goes to Charity

Although I am very serious about my painting, I’m also in the fortunate position of not having to support myself as an artist, which is a tough row to hoe. Consequently, until now, whenever I sold one of my paintings I was able to treat myself to something special with the proceeds. Frankly, that something special was almost always a want rather than a need.

But, things are different now. In these horrible times when so many people are suffering, the group I think about the most are those who are having a hard time feeding their families and staying in their homes. These are mostly those who are marginalized even in good times.

Fortunately, there are many civic and religious groups that work hard to help these people. They’ve been doing it before the current crisis, of course, and now are really taxed and struggling. For quite a while now I’ve made a monthly contribution to a local food bank and more recently also to a local ministry who, rather than distribute food, instead pays rent, electric, and other utility bills for the needy.

As the extra benefits that have been in place since the covid-19 crisis started begin to be reduced or go away completely, these food banks and ministries are going to need ever-increasing support.

I hope that by contributing 80% of my sales to their efforts, I’ll be able to support them even more than I have in the past.

I am retaining 20% of the sales price to cover my expenses for my credit card processor, my web hosting service, and some of my painting supplies.

Of course, I don’t expect you to buy any of my paintings simply to enable me to contribute to these causes; you could easily do that yourself. But, I thought that it would be a really wonderful win-win situation if you were able to buy a painting that you truly loved, and contribute to the aid of some of the neediest among us with those very same dollars.

If you have any thoughts about this that you would like to share with me, please go to my Contact page and send me a message.

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